The Minnesota DNR provides information regarding the prevention of jumping worms for everyone including anglers, vermicomposters, and gardeners. See
One thing gardeners can do to prevent the spread of jumping worms is to not use potential sources of contaminated mulch and soil.
Sylva Corporation, Inc. (Sylva) does not use sources such as yard waste drop off sites, diseased trees, or wood fiber from tree service companies for its mulch. Sylva does not procure any of its wood fiber from the any of the counties currently known to have jumping worms. See the distribution map published by the Minnesota DNR at
Sylva procures its raw material wood fiber from counties in northern Minnesota for all its products except its Western Red Cedar which comes from Idaho and its Cypress which comes from Georgia.
None of Sylva’s wood fiber used in its mulch is recycled. It is all first-use wood fiber which further ensures no contamination of jumping worms.
Jumping worms die each fall. However the jumping worm cocoons survive the cold winter but are killed in just three days at temperatures at or above 104 ˚ Fahrenheit. See
Sylva’s mulch manufacturing process includes the storage of mulch in large piles. These large piles heat naturally to temperatures in excess of 130˚ Fahrenheit. As a result, any jumping worm cocoons that could be in the mulch will be killed along with any other pathogens.
Once Sylva bags its mulch, the bags are immediately placed on a pallet until shipped to a store or your home. Since jumping worms reside in the top two inches of soil, the jumping worms will not invade Sylva’s bagged mulch.
You have Sylva’s assurance that it is doing everything possible to prevent the spread of jumping worms and provide you with mulch free of jumping worms.